Homemade Pickled Beets Recipe
Every Fall we're deluged with the bounty of the garden and usually astounded by some of the late harvested veggies - kale, cabbage, onions, and beets, that seem to hang on and even thrive after a few frosts. Between the beets that we grow and the big grocery bags full that Alycia's parents bring us every Fall, we have a ton of beets. If you've never had beets before, you should give them a try. They can be baked, roasted, boiled, or pickled and are high in fiber and anti-oxidants. During the height of beet harvest, I usually make a large pot of borscht (see Beets and Borscht and Biscuits picture below), freeze some beets for later use, and invariably have a huge amount left over. Years ago I discovered how tasty pickled beets are, so the remainder of the beets usually get pickled. If you haven't tried before, I would highly recommend you try your hand at pickling them. It's honestly a very easy (but moderately messy) process. The most tim...